Facilities Managers: Are You Up to Date with Legislation and New Standards?

Facilities managers must adapt to changing recommendations, regulations and legislation. There has been Government consultation for the Future Buildings Standard, on proposed changes to fuel and power conservation and ventilation in building regulations.

The Future Buildings Standard consultation sets out energy and ventilation standards for non-domestic buildings and domestic homes. Once it becomes law, the Future Buildings Standard support buildings becoming zero carbon ready.

But where there are standards for the near future, facilities managers must also deal with complications and challenges arising from the shifting situation regarding Covid-19. With the spread of the Omicron variant, there is a strong likelihood that many types of buildings will need to reaffirm and ensure safety measures for their occupants.

Another legislative change impacting facilities management is flexible working becoming a legal right for employees from day one of employment. This has implications for office use and the adaptability of working spaces. It can also impact issues such as energy use in a building.

The traditional model of nine-to-five working has undergone a radical shift during the pandemic. Facilities managers must contend with looking after buildings where occupancy is changeable and adaptability a dominant characteristic. There’s also legislation to make electric vehicle (EV) chargers compulsory in new builds.

This too will require that facilities managers stay abreast of developments and ensure that the buildings they manage are up to date with compliance.

How to Future-Proof Facilities Management

Technology offers the most effective way for facilities managers to keep up with the legislation and new standards affecting their work. Proptech is already changing how buildings work. This includes smart buildings using the internet of things (IoT) to optimise heating and ventilation. Smart building tools are revolutionising the way energy use can be monitored and controlled, for example.

This level of precision control will become increasingly important in the move towards zero carbon buildings. In fact, it’s likely to become essential for buildings if they are going to stay within the law.

What will be critical for many organisations and businesses is staying ahead of the curve when it comes to legislation and new standards. Fortunately, the technology to help them do this is available now, rather than in the future.

The Inspection Manager (TIM) App

TIM supports facilities / property managers and helps them meet the changing demands of their roles. The app enables FM professionals to monitor building facilities closely, carry out inspections and submit real-time reports and recommendations. Developed for phones and tablets (iOS, android & Windows 10) TIM is the perfect facilities management tool. It’s designed to make you fit for the future while serving your current needs. You can discover its benefits for yourself with our FREE 30-day trial. https://www.theinspectionmanager.co.uk/free-trial/

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Data standardisation refers to using consistent methods for collecting data, although this is a very basic and somewhat generic description of what it truly is. If we delve in deeper, data standardisation is the process used for transforming data to fit a constrained and predefined set of values – ultimately, relying on uniformity to improve efficiencies.

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