Enhancing tenant experience & amenities: How facility managers can gain an edge

Tenant experience is an important metric to understand when it comes to property and facilities management – it describes how your tenants interact with the properties they live in. The quality of these interactions along with the amenities you offer can have a major impact on your ROI.

While a positive tenant experience will boost your property retention rates and lifetime value, a negative one will do the opposite.

Therefore, it’s important to understand how you can improve the tenant experience, especially now that there is so much technology at your fingertips to streamline nearly all day-to-day property management processes.

Ways to improve the tenant experience

Boost engagement

Great engagement is the bedrock of tenant experience. Whether you want to organise a seasonal event, schedule a maintenance check, announce a fire drill, etc. or anything else, keeping your tenants informed is the key to great community engagement.

When tenants feel engaged in their community, they tend to attach a lot more positive value to the experience. This is beneficial for both parties, really – tenants enjoy a fantastic sense of belonging while landlords and facilities managers enjoy a higher tenant retention rate across their portfolio.

More engaged tenants are happier tenants, which will also make them more likely to pay for additional/premium services and amenities.

Improve communication

Communicating regularly with your tenants is one of the keys to creating a great tenant experience. However, this is rarely done right – with all the emails, SMS messages and WhatsApp groups.

The most effective way to communicate is to consolidate all messaging into a single-service platform, where tenants can simply ‘tap’ into a single intuitive source of information, instead of shuffling back and forth between different messages on different platforms.

Software and apps exist which let you get very selective and take a targeted approach to communication; allowing you, for example, to decide who receives what, so that tenants don’t get messages or are asked to respond to something that isn’t relevant to them.

Work smarter

In the midst of checking emails, pushing projects toward completion and drowning in a bundle of paperwork, it can be easy to lose touch with the more productive aspects of your work.

For example, aspects like boosting ROI and profitability, or ensuring that you are delivering the best experience possible to your tenants. An easy and simple-to-use platform which helps to streamline, say, your issue reporting – can dramatically improve the satisfaction level for both you and your tenants – helping you quickly resolve issues with fire alarms, water heaters, malfunctioning radiators, and more.

Moreover, the platform can help you quickly access important documents like H&S protocols so that you don’t have to rely on hard copies, making document management a lot easier.

Integration of technology

Nearly all property managers are using some kind of platform, system, software or app to streamline day-to-day property management processes and improve tenant satisfaction.

From maintenance requests and rent collection to generator maintenance reports and fire alarm activation reports to compliance and repairs and decoration works – The Inspection Manager is your property management companion, helping you do a lot more in less time.

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